Dear Roadies, You’re all invited to attend the 82nd SRCC Annual General Meeting, which has been resheduled for Thursday 19th May. Please be there promptly so that the meeting can commence at 7pm. There will be an open bar for beer/wine/softies while we meet. SRCC 82nd AGM, 2022When: Thursday 19th May, meeting commences at 7pmWhere:Read More
SRCC Season 2021-22 Presentation Night
Friday 22nd April, 7pm.Downstairs at the Edwardstown Club. $20 entry per person includes: a pizza dinner, jukebox and karaoke along with lucky door prize. $50 for a family (immediate family). Come and join us, bring your family and friends for a great night with your Roadies mates. We’ll recognise our player’s accomplishments for the 2021/22Read More
Announcing: SRCC Presentation Night 2022, and AGM Night

Dear Roadies,Announcing the 2022 Presentation Night and 82nd SRCC AGM. Presentation Night 2022When: Friday 22 April at 7pmWhere: Downstairs at the clubrooms, Edwardstown OvalDetails to be confirmed. SRCC 82nd AGM, 2022When: Friday 29 April, meeting commences at 7pmWhere: Downstairs at the clubrooms, Edwardstown Oval Please be there promptly so that the meeting can commence atRead More
2022 Mouse Cup – Run and Won!

Well Roadies, The Ray White Glenelg, Mouse Cup has been run and won! On an exotic and balmy night at the prestigious Edwardstown venue four races were held in high anticipation of an evening full of suspense and drama. The drama came on fashions on the field, however more to that later! SNAP Printing, HotRead More
Mouse Cup 2022

Dear Roadies, You’re all invited to a night of high stakes thoroughbred racing at its finest! When: Saturday 12 March 2022 at 7pm Where: Downstairs at the clubrooms, Edwardstown Oval Dress code: Race attire Entry: $10 per person 16 Mice available for purchase, syndicates welcome. Four knockout heats will be run through the course ofRead More
Life Members & Old Boys Bowls Day 2022
ALL players past and present invited. Bring your friends or team up with your fellow Roadies and Old Boys to reach for glory on the bowling green, with a few frothies and tall tales on the side. You can nominate yourself or a team of 4 for the day. When: Sunday the 13th of February,Read More
A Cracking Christmas Show

Last Saturday we held our annual Roadies Xmas show, which saw around 40 people in attendance. A number of those sported Christmas-themed apparel, although we’re not sure it met the night’s theme of ‘Ugly Christmas’. Standout on the night was Jake Bragg’s Xmas Suit. After a great feed supplied by the facility, we had aRead More
Roadies Christmas Show 2021

Saturday 18th December, 7pmUpstairs at the clubrooms, Edwardstown Oval SRCC would like to invite you to our annual Christmas Show. Bring your partner, family and friends to the club to celebrate the silly season alongside your fellow Roadies. There’ll be lucky door prizes, meat tray raffles, a few games, Ugly Christmas dress up (you know,Read More
T10 Bash for Braggy

Dear Roadies, You’re invited to the inaugural T10 Bash for Braggy, where mixed teams will battle it out for Roadies glory while we support a worthy cause in memory of Will Bragg, the Cure Brain Cancer Foundation. All Roadies are welcome to the day, including past and Life Members, and you’re encouraged to bring familyRead More
And like that, the season is upon us!
Dear Roadies, I hope this correspondence finds you safe and well in these crazy times. Who would of thought in their lifetime they would see the global events that have taken place in their lifetime have a better crystal ball than I do! Season Launch After a few false starts, we will finally conduct theRead More