SRCC Looking for a Coach for 21/22

South Road Cricket Club who are a long standing and proud club of the Adelaide and Suburban Cricket Association are looking to engage a community minded Cricket Coach to be part of our team to inspire and motivate people to play cricket in the Edwardstown area. The role will be required to deliver fun, engagingRead More

Mouse Cup 2021

Dear Roadies,You’re all invited to a night of high stakes thoroughbred racing at its finest! Saturday 20th February, 7pmUpstairs at the clubrooms, Edwardstown OvalDress code: Not so FormalEntry: $10 on the night 16 Mice available for purchase at auction. Knockout heats throughout the night, culminating in a winner takes all Grand Final. Form guides willRead More

Roadies Christmas Show

Roadies Christmas ShowSaturday 19th December, 7pmUpstairs at the clubrooms, Edwardstown Oval Bring your partner, family and friends to the club to celebrate Christmas alongside your fellow Roadies. Dress up in the dodgiest Xmas t-shirt you can find (or that Xmas sweater grandma knitted that you have in the back of your closet).$10 entry covers pizzaRead More

SRCC Xmas Raffle!

$5 per ticket, or 3 tickets for $10 1st prize: $700 Travel Voucher (Phil Hoffman Travel)2nd prize: $200 Travel Voucher3rd prize: $100 Travel Voucher Prizes will be drawn at the South Road Cricket Club Xmas Show, Edwardstown Club, on Saturday 19 December 2020. Winners will be notified via phone and email. For more information andRead More