Juniors Program

In term 4, South Road will be running our first junior cricket program at the new Edwardwards oval. Starting on Tuesday the 22nd of October at 4pm we will be running the Cricket Australia Junior Blast program. The program is aimed at kids who’ve never played cricket before, and Cricket Australia gives a guide ofRead More

2019-20 Captains Announced

Hello Roadies. I have some exciting news for you all. Pre-season is just around the corner and on top of that all remaining Capitan positions have been filled!  This season we are back with 4 teams, the Committee putting big efforts into recruitment across the off-season. We are not done yet though, the new feeRead More

A Grade Captain Announced

Hello Roadies, I am contacting you all with good news. I am pleased to introduce this year’s A Grade Captain, Todd Andrews.  Firstly, I would like to thank Adrian Woolman for his contribution during the last two years as A Grade Captain. Adrian, you have helped to put SRCC back on the right track, thankRead More