CONFIRMED: SRCC 80th AGM and Presentation Night

Hi Roadies,

This is to confirm the date of Friday, 28th August for our Season 2019-20 Awards Night and 80th AGM, at the Edwardstown Oval Club, Community Room. Please be there at 6:30pm.

A big thankyou to the 23 people who’ve indicated that they will be attending the night so far, with 2 maybes. Due to COVID restrictions we have a maximum of 59 people able to attend, so please let us know ASAP whether you will be coming along by emailing, SMSing or calling any of the contacts below. You can also click on this link and fill out the form to register your attendance

Please note that the situation with COVID-19 is continually changing. We will notify you of any changes to plans for the night as they arise.

Helping SRCC Move Forward

Positions in the executive and committee will become vacant at the AGM. To run a thriving club, we need many people with a range of skills to help organising such things as:

  • General governance of the club through the SRCC committee (oversee the running and finances of the club)
  • Cricket Operations (coaching, captains, training, recruitment, equipment)
  • Events (social events, fundraisers, BBQs)
  • Communications (advertising, Facebook, email, website, Road Rage)
  • Sponsorship & Grants

If you believe you can contribute to the club and would like to add your voice and opinion to help steer SRCC going forward, we encourage you to think about fulfilling positions within the executive, general committee or sub-committees (Women’s Cricket, Junior Cricket, Events, etc.) for the coming season. Your efforts for the club will enable it to keep running and indeed to help us all grow into the future.

If you’d like more information on positions or want to contribute but aren’t sure of how, feel free to contact us via the details below, or talk to a committee member. 


Aaron Schmidt, President.
Phone: 0430 021 525  Email:

Todd Andrews, Club Captain.
Phone: 0452 299 985  Email:

Phil Easson, Secretary.
Phone: 0413 010 695  Email:


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