South Road Cricket Club

South Road Cricket Club

Message from the president regarding the Edwardstown Club

Hello from the President,

As you may or may not be aware Edwardstown oval has recently undergone development and the project is due for completion shortly. The grand opening will be on Saturday the 13th of April at 11am-2pm. We will also be having our own AGM/Awards night on Friday the 12th of April at 7pm which gives us an opportunity to get into the new building to sample the new and exciting menu at Edwardstown club. I’m sure you are all as excited as I am to finally have a building we can call our own.

As part of using the new facility SRCC will be given discount/loyalty cards to hand out on behalf of the club. These cards will be given to each member and will carry benefits to the individual as well as SRCC.

The club will benefit by receiving a percentage of the profits for all transactions where you swipe your card. While you will receive very reasonable discounts on food and drinks. There are cheaper prices for affiliate clubs, but you will only receive it when you swipe your card.

As part of this new structure the club will need to forward the personal details of current playing members onto the site manager. This will link your card to the club so they can direct the profit percentage to SRCC. We will be handing over your name, date of birth, and email address. Some people may not be comfortable with this, so if you would like us not to forward your details to the new Edwardstown Club please let us know via our email, or contact me on 0430021525 by 26/3/19

So help yourself, help the club, get a card, support SRCC, and get cheap top quality food and drinks at the same time.

Aaron Schmidt