Training for Season 2020/21

UPDATE: Thursday 24th September Training cancelled. Training will be moved to Saturday 26 September this week, from 10am to 12pm at the cage nets, cnr Raglan Ave & Robert St.

Starting Tuesday 29/9/20, 5:00pm to 7:30pm Tuesdays & Thursdays at the Edwardstown Oval Nets (in the oval carpark)

The 2020-21 season opener is on Saturday 10th October, so get down to training and get your eye back in and your bowls hitting areas before the season starts.

Please note that due to COVID-19 protocols there will be restrictions and procedures in place for all training sessions. We are adopting SACA’s guidelines for return to cricket, including the following:

  • 5 persons per net at all times (1.5m rule applies).
  • All players should organise to bring their own gear, including a ball to bowl with. This will also apply during the season.
  • Make sure that you also bring your own water bottle and sunscreen.
  • Do not share any of your gear, water bottle or sunscreen with other people.
  • 1.5m distance rule should be observed at all times
  • All attendees will need to sign in (Contact Tracing Record) at training when they arrive and acknowledge the COVID-Safe requirements. 
  • No saliva or sweat to shine the ball, and no spitting or clearing of nasal passages at training.
  • Stay at home if you or people you live with/close relatives are feeling unwell or experiencing symptoms

Full details on the SACA Return to Training Protocols can be found here.

Hand sanitiser will be available for you to use during training.

If you have any questions or can’t make training, please contact your grade captain or:

Todd Andrews, Club Captain. Phone: 0452 299 985 

Phil Easson, Secretary. Phone: 0413 010 695 


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